Assignment 1 GEO-109 (Fall 2017)
Date: Aug 25, 2017
Understanding the dynamics of complex environmental systems and the interaction of subsystems (spheres) in our planet is very important. The system approach in the study of the earth science, which considers the earth as a closed approximation of the natural closed system, has extremely important implications in the usage of natural resources, waste management and climate change studies.
In our day-to-day activities we rely on many things that require nonrenewable resources. All nonrenewable resources in a closed system are limited so we have to use them wisely.
When we dispose of waste, we should remember that the waste would remain in the boundary of the earth.
Learning objectives:
A. Understanding the system approach and its use in Earth science B. Understanding Earth as a closed system
C. The use of natural resources and society
D. Beware of the natural world (especially our surroundings)
Questions: Your answer should include detailed explanation and not just few words. Your response should be in an essay format. If you choose to respond in a single essay each question should be addressed in a separate paragraph.
Answer the following questions from your text book A. Page 20, question #1
B. Page 20, question #4
C. Page 21, question #8
A. Explain the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources and give five examples of each.
B. List things that you/your family relay on a day-to-day basis that requires the use of nonrenewable natural resources? Pick three of them and explain how your life would be changed without it and suggest an alternative renewable resource
that substitute them?
Have you observed any waste management/pollution issues of any sort in your hometown? If yes explain the type of pollution, causes, possible solutions and the Earth’s sphere(s) involved. If no, research about any pollution problem in Dayton, OH or the surrounding cities and do the same.
Using examples explain how changes made in one part of a closed system (e.g. Earth) will eventually affect other part of the system. (Don’t repeat examples from class lecture).
Last winter Ohio experienced a relatively mild and dry winter due to a weather phenomenon called El Niño.
A. What is an El Niño?
B. Using the effects of El Niño in Ohio explain “teleconnection” and
interconnectivity of the different spheres of the earth.
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